Cancellation, Returns, Refund Policies:

Rugs of Dorking are one of the most reliable suppliers and manufacturers of uniquely handcrafted rugs all over the UK. We tend to bring you the traditionally handcrafted, exotic rugs made in Persia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other renowned regions. Not only do we offer exceptional products but also strive to maintain best customer relationship.

Information use and collection

Rugs of Dorking do not ask you for too personal information that you might hesitate to share. We only collect your contact information through which we can provide you with the service you have requested for. Without asking for your email address we won’t be able to provide you online consultation which is a primary part of our service.

To get in touch with you about your orders it is important to have and store your contact number in our database. Moreover, your PayPal details are essential for payment and refund purposes. You can rest assured that your home address is safe in our database and we would only visit your place on appointment or for delivery purpose.

Sharing your personal information

We ultimately respect your privacy and would never share any of your private information with any third party for any reason whatsoever. You can put your trust in us by sharing your personal email address, PayPal account and even your home address. None of the information shared with us gets accessible to any third party and stays highly confidential.

No promotional mails

Sharing your email address on local websites is likely to open gates for daily spam messages in your inbox. With Classico rugs it is different; we would merely use your email address and contact number for business purposes. No promotional calls or messages from our side would bother you during the project or even after the deal is closed.

We are grateful to you for your contribution and trust in us and commit to keep your data highly confidential and to use for it business purposes only.